Amazing Mini-Camp

The Paddlefish spent the weekend  rotating and reaching with Tim Schaus. Tim, and his wife Anne Marie, visited Pittsburgh and joined the Paddlefish as a guest coach over a 3 day mini-camp. Many of the P’fish know Tim from our past experiences at dragon boat camp so we were prepared for what to expect and Tim sure did not disappoint. Thirty P’fish participated in the camp and every one gained valuable paddling pointers. According to this master paddler, there are three non-negotiables in dragon boat paddling: 1. a position of power; 2. using big muscles; and 3. what the paddle is doing in the water. Tim worked on all these on land and in the boat.

The river was so high that we thought for sure it was indoors on Friday evening.  Luckily, P’fish river karma prevailed, flows inched down, and we moved the boats out for a hard paddle. Saturday was sunny and blistering hot. We paddled in the morning and afternoon and mid-day was chock full of individual coaching. We paddled until we could paddle no more. Then it was time to party.

Saturday evening was a potluck dinner at Laurie and Dick’s lovely home and garden in Lawrenceville. Needless to say, the sagging P’fish did not have a late night. But we were back bright and early for more from this amazing person. Sunday was devoted to racing strategies and we practiced starts and finishes to complement our race plan. The whole event was a success and, thanks to Dick, well organized.

But alas, all good things must end. For now we will continue to reach and rotate and reach and rotate……..
