Camp 2018

The Space Coast Dragon Boat Camp was held in Florida from April 8-15. Our boat was pure Pittsburgh. A mix of Paddlefish, Hearts of Steel, and Steel City. A good mix and a strong boat. We were lucky to have Tim Schaus coach us once again. He is a master at getting the most from each paddler. His calm, organized, and often funny demeanor made this a super week.



Since many of us had attended camp in the past, there were few surprises save the thunderstorms that prevented practice on Tuesday afternoon. No fear, we had our make up on Wednesday with three sessions….phew!

Tim focused on keeping the boat steady while paddling and of course that impossible reach and rotation that some were able to accomplish!

The weather was perfect for our 15K paddle to the causeway for a photo op and some orange slices.

15 K Paddle

15 K Paddle

Saturday was the culmination of our training. We raced a 2K with all the other teams. We were predicted to be the second fastest boat, so we headed out in 5th position.


Race Ready

Race Ready



The Times

The Times

We were third in this very competitive race!

The week flew by. A nice bonus was the rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. Those near the beach could witness this event.

A Bonus Rocket Launch

A Bonus Rocket Launch

Good Work Team Pittsburgh!


Just a good shot!

Just a good shot!

Doubles Beachside and the world famous Tiki Bar will be closing this summer. Apparently it is being sold to the senior living facility next door. We enjoyed our last great cheeseburger, fried shrimp, and Havana salad. First the Pines, now the Tiki Bar… ever changing world so enjoy what you love while you can.