Paddlin’ To The RD Wedding


A glorious day for a wedding, especially if it is held on one of the famous Pittsburgh clipper ships. Under a beautiful blue sky, the Captain performed the ceremony on the top deck of the ship. Katie was a beautiful bride and parents, Kathi and Bob, were handsomely attired (maybe because we usually see them in their paddling clothes). And so it was, Katie and Rob Beswick were married!

Katie RD
Katie RD


Beautiful Day!
Beautiful Day!

Several Paddlefish attended in the dragon boat. We paddled to the point and waited for the big moment. We could not see much but the guests and team Captain Kathi and Coach Bob got a clear view of us as we unfurled the banner! It was a nice touch! Special thanks to our emeritus paddlers for joining us, and the organizers and supreme sign creators, Judy and Jim R……

Sign or Sail?
Sign or Sail?

And who doesn’t love wedding bubble stuff?