The Paddlefish held the Annual Team Dinner and election of a new Steering Committee for 2014-2015 on Wednesday, November 5th. The event was at Alexander’s Bistro in Bloomfield.
After cocktails, a bit of socializing, and an excellent dinner, the meeting commenced with a few words from the departing Captain, Marie Hirsch. The amended Bylaws were voted upon and accepted. The Steering Committee was then elected followed but some words to live by from Coach Bob Robinson-Dassel.
The Paddlefish welcomed our new members, Carole Miller and Cheryl Stange. They are already paddling well and loving the experience!
Guests from TRRA, Megan Kuehm and Jenn Grieb celebrated with the P’fish. It was also a treat to have emeritus P’fish Jacob and Rissa Witul and their charming daughters, Tria and Audrey, join us for the evening. We would give anything to have them back in the boat!
We all agree how lucky we are to belong to this amazing group.