Annual Team Dinner

The Paddlefish Annual Team Dinner was held at Alexander’s Bistro on October 30, 2013. This is traditionally when we elect the new steering committee, enjoy good food, and just generally have a fun time. A light hearted roast added to the event and helped us appreciate the good fortune of finding such a great group.

Steering Committee 2013-2014

Steering Committee 2013-2014

front: Linda Rashciatore, Marie Hirsch, Bob Robinson-Dassel, Kathi Robinson-Dassel; back:Judy Robertson, Lori Swensson, Judith Lesniewicz, Anne Burns, Barb Conley, Jim Barnett, Dick Northway; missing: Liesl Weisen

Paddlefish enjoy the night out!
Paddlefish enjoy the night out!

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